Thank you Min, Charlie, and Megan for your valuable insights and predictions for 2018!

In case you missed the meeting (or didn’t get all of the notes you wanted), here are some of the highlights!

Min Lynch 

Trained as a chemist, Min Lynch has worked in Information Technology for 19 years enjoying the creative process of coding web & mapping applications. Min began her formal astrological study in 2011 and has completed a 2-year curriculum in Western Astrology.

She has studied Esoteric Astrology and Evolutionary Astrology and currently experiment with Human Designs System. Min loves to ask life questions and has found astrology to be a valuable tool for self-awareness and illuminate one’s soul’s purpose. She served on Houston Astrological Board of Directors for 3 years, and is a wild Metal Boar in Chinese Zodiac.


Check out Min’s 2018 predictions HERE

Charlie Cross

Charlie Cross discovered astrology on the tail end of an initiatory injury he received while studying Religion at Carleton College. There, he wrote his thesis on Spirituality and the Occupy movement, while he beginning to give readings. Since then, he has continued his education by studying Evolutionary Astrology with Ari Moshe and Adam Sommer, Tibetan Shamanic Qigong with Lama Somananda Tantrapa, and continuing his own research into different forms of astrology, seeking to integrate solar and stellar calendars.

For the last two years, he has released regular astrology forecasts, often integrating poetry, music, and visual art. During the day, he works in one of Austin’s most progressive and creative environments, the Austin Waldorf School.

What does Charlie forsee in 2018?

1) Intensified drama around economics and restriction of social services in the US, into Election season. (Saturn opposing US’ Venus/Jupiter)

2) Continued growth in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, with regular corrections as the technology and markets are tested and challenged by governments (Saturn/Uranus trine).

3) A memorable summer in the history of the United States, with the definite possibility of violence having to do with our nations ancestry or past. (Eclipse taking place right on the US’ Nodes)

4) Drama having to do with money and technology (cryptocurrency? voting tech?) in the United States on the full moon before Election Day. (Uranus squaring the nodes, exactly opposed by the Sun and a retrograde Venus on the Full Moon)

5) The intensified rise of Beto O’Rourke—if not as an elected official this winter (which I see as likely), then as a public figure in the next couple years (Jupiter return, nodal return, Pluto on the North Node).

Check out Charlie’s full presentation here:  2018 predictions panel

**Note from Charlie:  “First, I want to apologize for a miscalculation I made this weekend! I accidentally used a 1943 birthday for Trump, which shifted his nodal axis.. Actually, Trump was born under an eclipse in 1946! Still, this coming eclipse season does target his natal Pluto, which does speak to the possibility for intense, explosive transformation. This feels like a volatile time. With this Lunar Eclipse is still right on top of Mueller’s Sun—look for either continued success in his investigations, a move by Trump to remove his power, or both.”

Megan Polansky

Megan is an Archetypal & Evolutionary astrologer who has studied & practiced astrology for 18+ years. She has worked as professional astrological consultant since 2015, and utilizes herbalism & crystal lore as healing modalities in conjunction with her readings.

Her focus is on illuminating and empowering the soul while maintaining a grounded and balanced connection between the Heavens AND Earth. Megan provides astro-insight to her social media audience to provide energetic understandings during major transits – her intent is to help catalyze deep individual and collective healing.

Megan has also been invited to speak for the UT Student Pagan Association, and is looking forward to furthering the intuitive science of astrology as a legitimate pathway of gnosis.


2018: The Year of Electric (Electrified?) Embodiment – An Archetypal and Evolutionary Overview

I do not make predictions, but I perceive these energetics will take center stage for 2018:

1.)  A “you reap what you sew” effect – the consequences of our work, reputations, and outer-world actions will be clearer and more easily manifested – for good and for bad [i.e. – being recognized for hard work; being penalized/corrected for not working hard enough where we should be];

2.)  The further popularization of alternative healing practices, especially including “Uranian” methodologies like acupuncture, sound healing, flower essences, and other modalities which work on the subtle bodies while also integrating the somatic body;

3.)  Broader criticism and deeper analysis regarding “New Age” religions and other disembodied philosophies and practices; and

4.)  The potential for increased austerity, conservatism, and militarism across the political spectrum in American politics.

This is a time to remember our shared humanity, to remember to play and share eroticism and affection when consensual, to build bridges as true Elders-in-Making, and to remember the Heart and our interconnectedness in our personal ambitions.

Check out Megan’s condensed Powerpoint presentation HERE:  Megan’s Powerpoint