There are no upcoming events at this time.
Monthly Lecture Series
Each month, the Astrological Society will host a meeting at AOMA in South Austin. This meeting serves as an opportunity for astrologers of all kinds to get together and share their unique perspectives on the cosmos. What are the stars indicating for us in the upcoming year? How do we read a birth chart from both an educated, logical perspective as well as an intuitive one? Our speakers will help to shine more light on some of these questions, as well as much more! ASA meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Meeting begins at 3:30. Located at: AOMA, Academy of Oriental Medicine at Austin 4701 Westgate Blvd., Bldg. E, Austin, Tx 78746.
Lecture cost is $8 for members and $12 for Guests.
$10 for affiliates (State Chapters and National Organizations)
2019 Past Lectures
- Jan 20th : 11th Annual Predictions Panel
- Panel: Min Lynch, Charlie Cross, Megan Polansky
- Feb 17 : Anne Beversdorf – “The Gestalt of Charts”
- Mar 24: Maria J. Mateus – Intro to Astrological Grammar
- Apr 21: Togi Aditya– “As Above, so Below”
- May 19: ASA Jupiter Return-Galaxy of Stars!
- Jun 21-24th: Maurice Fernandez -Evolutionary Astrologer
- –Thursday: June 21st Solstice Reception & Dance
- –Friday: June 22nd Lecture
- –Sat & Sun: June 23rd & 24th Workshop
- Jul & AUG: BREAK
- Sept 15th: Russ von Ohlhausen- “Secrets of Starlight” Re-unifying Astrology & Science
- Oct 12& 13th: Gemini Brett: Fall Workskop
- Nov 17th : Jeannie Goldwire “Jupiter in Sagittarius”