If you meet the requirements when you register with you UAC through the ASA you will still get our GROUP DISCOUNT (approx $145 off the non-member registration rate)*:

The full non-member UAC registration rate is $495; the UAC affiliate member rate is $445. Added to the ASA group discount, it brings this down to approximately $350 (according to when you register; and payment processing fees still apply)


  • be a current affiliate UAC member (NCGR, AFA, ISAR, AFAN*, see UAC website)
  • be a current PAID member of the ASA, (all standard, student, senior, volunteer, etc, members meet the requirement; members past due, or only listed as newsletter contacts do not meet the requirement)

These requirements MUST be met before you register with UAC for the discount. The discount will continue up until May 24th, but register NOW to be a delegate from Austin!

ASA standard membership is still just $35 for the year! Renew your membership to the ASA, a 501.C.3 non-profit.

*See Information about UAC’18


Congratulations to our recipients! And thank you for those who submitted applications locally and those applicants that came through the UAC committee; approximately 55 essays were submitted for the final round!

Full Scholarship*

  • Terry Cueva -ASA
  • Shannon Gill-ASA

Partial Scholarship*

  • Heather R. Horton-Yellow Springs, OH
  • Megan Polansky-Austin Area


Scholarships awarded are for your conference attendance/registration. Based on merit and need. The scholarships do NOT include your accommodations, meals or transportation to Chicago. The days of attendance of your scholarship can be adjusted to your availability, given enough time is provided to make arrangements with UAC conveners.

Administration of the scholarship process will be based on contributions to astrological community at large, to the ASA community, how active the applicant is in their experience & current astrological practice, the basis of financial need; and, if they are in good-standing and paid up with UAC & ASA at the time of receipt.

There is no cash ‘equivalency of exchange’ for this scholarship, if you need to forfeit. The scholarship will be awarded to the next candidate, if you are unable to attend.








