Join us on February 17th, 2018 with guest speaker, Anne Beaversdorf
After 25 years and about 18000 charts read, Anne will discuss the methods and approaches she takes to reading an astrological chart. Her lecture will include charts—charts of audience members and charts from her files—and discussions of what “rises to the top” when you see a chart, how to interpret it to the client, and how to play with the relationship between analytical knowledge and intuitive knowledge. She will address actual questions like “I thought when Venus entered my 7th house my love life would pick up. Why didn’t it happen?” (There are actual, real answers.) Or “How do I get THROUGH this period of Pluto exactly squaring my nodes?” And she will give suggestions for gathering confidence in reading charts for friends and strangers.
About Anne:
Anne Beversdorf has been a full-time counseling astrologer since 1993 with clients all over the world. She is a popular writer, lecturer and teacher and is listed in Who’s Who in the World for astrology and business.
Anne combines standard techniques from western astrology with the ancient techniques of Jyotisha, or “Vedic” astrology from India. This dynamic combination allows her to hone in on both actual life events and the personal and spiritual growth opportunities provided by them.
Her clients range from well- known writers (Marianne Williamson allows the use of her name), to Emmy, Oscar, and Pulitzer winners to businesspersons, inventors, teachers, nurses, and many others. Anne is the author of the popular Vedic Astrological Remedy book: Vedic Secrets to Happiness (available on Amazon). Anne is also a facilitator for Family Constellations. In her pre-astrological career, Anne was a faculty member at Indiana University and at California State University, San Diego, a business owner, and a consultant in educational marketing for MECC, World Almanac Education, and others. She has a B.A. with High Honors from the
University of Texas at Austin and a Master’s degree in Library and Information Sciences from Indiana University. Learn more about Anne’s work at