**POSTPONED UNTIL LATER IN THE YEAR** Due to current health and travel concerns
Introduction to Building YOUR BUSINESS by the Planets:
Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Path
In the Age of the Individual, we are our business and we each have a brand. Now that we are no longer bound to the 9-to-5 work for a company model of making a living, our work has the opportunity to align with higher expressions of our humanity. The new emerging model of business in the Age of the Individual needs to in some way lead to an expression of our individuality. This workshop is about finding meaningful ways to make a difference that highlight our individuality and create opportunities to share our unique gifts and visions with our communities. Whether you are running a Fortune 500 company or you want your Instagram to feel more like you, understanding the archetypes and how they animate you will help people connect to what you’re putting out into the world.
Then JOIN US for the ASTRAM Weekend Workshop with Ricky!